
The "Keqiao Twelve" makes the list!|全省首批!柯桥这个市集上榜!

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-10-12
Keqiao Twelve柯桥十二风雅集

A recent report from the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism released the first batch of 100 key cultural and tourism markets to be cultivated across Zhejiang, with Keqiao’s "Twelve Exquisite Markets" making, adding yet another shining spot to Keqiao's already gleaming night time economy.


Keqiao Twelve
( 柯桥十二风雅集 )

Keqiao’s "Twelve Exquisite Markets" mark a distinct continuation of the "Twelve-Month Markets" already in place, in concert with the the "Twelve Exquisite Affairs" of Southern Yangtze Delta as its experiential theme, "Twelve National Colors" as the visual element, and the "Twelve Flower Festivals" as the online viral component, the combination has seen a series of activities already organized in creation of a model market showcasing Song Dynasty culture for guests from near and far.


Keqiao Twelve
( 柯桥十二风雅集 )

"Every month of the year sees the creation and premier of a new and innovative market, each bringing together artisans who love life as much as they adhere to their ideals, as well as enthusiasts of interesting items abound, cultural innovators, and music lovers alike - at the same time giving rise to the 'Keqiao Night Mooring' series of events, featuring a myriad of night time markets, ancient-style night tours, themed tea parties, and more, bringing vitality to the ancient town's night time economy," remarked Keqiao Ancient Town’s relevant spokesperson. This summer, relevant organizations and organizers have introduced the "Dili Ancient Market" brand, featuring a one-of-a-kind merger of "Chinese-style aesthetics + nighttime markets," relying on four major components to create an experience unlike any other - "Night Mooring in Keqiao, Flowing Melodies, Evening’s Elegant Rest, and A Midsummer Evening’s Banquet," to present six new settings for merriment and revelry, seamlessly combining intangible cultural heritage inheritance, children’s games and activities,, and rich, robust rural markets.


Keqiao Twelve
( 柯桥十二风雅集 )

Continually gathering momentum through tourism and leisure, adding value through commerce, and focusing on culture, the organic combination and mutual strengthening of culture, commerce, and tourism have been continuously promoted, driving the sustainable development of the market as a whole. According to official statistics, January to August this year alone saw Keqiao Ancient Town attract more than 3.3 million visitors, a year-on-year increase of 135.71%, with street merchants reaching a total revenue of approximately 40 million yuan.



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